



  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr is screened at Cineteca in Madrid (Spain)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Gallery XY in the context of the group show “File Explorer” (Czechia)

  • [SCREENING] L’oeil était dans la tombe et regardait Daney is presented as part of the exhibition “Exposer la critique” at ENS Lyon (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at CAP Saint-Fons in the context of the “Le ciel aujourd’hui” exhibition organized with FIDMarseille (France)

  • [INTERVIEW] Long-form interview for the podcast ‘Mismatch’ on Forensickness, GeoMarkr and OSINT practices (France)


  • [MASTERCLASS] Masterclass about Forensickness and new documentary practices, at the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (France)

  • [GRANT] La Grande Vacance receives the Aide au développement renforcé (FAIA documentaire) by CNC (France)

  • [GRANT] La Grande Vacance receives a “Brouillon d’un rêve - écritures et formes émergentes” grant by the SCAM (France)

  • [SCREENING] READING//BINGING//BENNING screens at the Cultural Center of Spain (Mexico)


  • [PANEL] Panel conversation following Thomas Keenan’s lecture “How to Make a Refugee”, with Anna Engelhardt, at the transmediale (Germany)

  • [LECTURE-PERFORMANCE] Presentation of a work-in-progress of La Grande Vacance at the transmediale (Germany)


  • [SCRENNING] I Would Like to Rage screens at the transmediale (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens at the “ateliers de la Cyberrance” (event organized by revue Apaches in Romainville, France)



  • [PUBLICATION] “Deux terrains au présent pour un film au futur”, article published in La Revue documentaire, n°34.

  • [PUBLICATION] “Chloé Galibert-Laîné and the Video Essay: a New Avant-Garde?”, book chapter in Scott MacDonald’s Comprehending Cinema, Oxford Academic.

  • [CLASS INTERVENTION] Seminar on research-creation at Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon (France)

  • [PUBLICATION] Written intervention in the anniversary issue of Critikat, “Comment imaginer le cinéma dans 20 ans?”

  • [SCREENING] A Very Long Exposure Time is curated as part of an educational project focused on the history of found footage at WRO (Poland)

  • [CLASS INTERVENTION] Seminar on the politics and aesthetics of OSINT at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France)

  • [MENTORING] Jury member for the “Aide au parcours d’auteur” grant from the CNC, resulting in the mentoring of four feature film projects (France)


  • [SCREENING] Presentation of GeoMarkr at the Fémis, as part of the conference “La Fabrique du détail” (France)

  • [KEYNOTE TALK] Guest keynote lecture at the international conference “Les réseaux sociaux : un réservoir pour le réemploi ?” at the Université Côte d’Azur (France)

  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens in competition at Alcine festival (Spain)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens as part of the “Mois du Doc” program at the Médiathèque Georges Canguilhem in Castelnaudary (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness sceens at SoundImageCulture in Bruxelles (Belgium)


  • [ARTISTIC CONSULTANCY] Dramaturgical advisor for The Golden Pixel Cooperative in Vienna (Austria)

  • [PANEL CONVERSATION] Participation in the symposium “Le cinéma va-t-il disparaître ? Le cinéma peut-il continuer?” at the Collège de France


  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens at IDFA’s Het Documentaire Paviljoen (Netherlands)

  • [INTERVIEW] Conversation with Robert Payne for “The Books and Other Things that Changed How We Think” (podcast)


  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at Beyond Stories - Essay Film Festival in Bangalore (India)


  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens as part of the cultural program CineZeta_Mx at the Centro Cultural de España (Mexico)

  • [PUBLICATION] Stills from several films published in Elisa Linseisen & Alena Strohmaier (ed.), Deine Kamera ist eine App, Meson Press (Germany)

  • [INTERVIEW] Conversation with Jiří Žák for Artyčok.TV (Czechia)


  • [FESTIVAL + AWARDS] La Grande Vacance receives two awards (from LABEL 42 and DAFILMS) at the FIDLab competition at FIDMarseille (France)

  • [PANEL CONVERSATION] Guest speaker for the talk “Intelligence Artificielle, YouTube, streaming, desktop movies : quelles écritures pour toutes ces images?” at FIDMArseille (France)

  • [FUNDING] La Grande Vacance is awarded a development grand by CNAP (Centre National des Arts Plastiques, France)

  • [PUBLICATION] Curation of a thematic Audiovisual Section for the journal NECSUS, entitled “Sitting, Standing, Dancing with our Screens”

  • [FUNDING] La Grande Vacance is awarded a “Innovation, recherche et nouvelles écritures” grant by the Bretagne region (France)

  • [EVENT ORGANIZATION] Organization of a public screening of five videographic works at the Cinéma Saint André des Arts, in collaboration with Débordements magazine (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at The Watch Berlin (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens in competition at the Marienbad Film Festival (Czechia)

  • [JURY] Member of the Professional Jury for the Experimental Competition of the Court’Echelle festival (France)

  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens at the opening ceremony of the Court’Echelle festival (France)


  • [TALK] “Cinemas of Sleep: to Sleep, Perchance to Dream”, guest lecture at the University of Groningen (Netherlands)

  • [CONFERENCE] Moderation of a panel at the conference “Media Aesthetics. Experience, Practice & Pedagogy” at the American University of Paris (France)

  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr is featured in the “Traces of Media Histories” curation by the online platform Artyčok (Czechia)


  • [TALK] “Connecting the Dots”, guest research talk at Université Paris 8 (France)

  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens at Filmforum Cologne (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens online as part of the “Chronicles of the Algorithmic Age” program by the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at the “Nektar from Another Planet Film Festival” in Poznan (Poland)


  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens at First Look (USA)

  • [PUBLICATION] “A Video Exploration of a Viewer’s Account: L’oeil était dans la tombe et regardait Daney” is published in Pierre Eugène, Kate Ince, Mar Siegel (eds), Serge Daney and Queer Cinephilia, Meson Press.

  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens at Cosmic Rays (USA)

  • [TALK] “Deux recherche-créations en dialogue”, joint guest lecture (with Chloé Lavalette) at Université Rennes 2 (France)


  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens at the Berlin Critic’s Week (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] A Very Long Exposure Time screens at Cineteca Madrid (Spain)

  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at Fotografiska Berlin (Germany)

  • [TALK] Intervention at Paris 1 Université (France)


  • [EMPLOYMENT] New position as tenured Assistant Professor in Cinema at the American University of Paris (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness and Bottled Songs 1-2 screen at the Wuhan Photography Art Centre (China)

  • [EXHIBITION] Flânerie 2.0 and GeoMarkr are installed as part of the “Theory of Tourism” collective show at the Fotograf Gallery in Prague (Tchechia)



  • [TALK] “Reprises vidéographiques : les images que l’on transforme, qui nous transforment”, intervention in the “Processus de création” research seminar at Université Lyon 2 (France)

  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens at the Beijing International Short Film Festival (China)

  • [SCREENING] READING//BINGING//BENNING screens at Auftakt Festival in Köln (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at the OSINT Festival at Gaité Lyrique (France)

  • [EXHIBITION] READING//BINGING//BENNING and Bottled Songs 1-2 screen as part of the exhibition “L’Effet Zabruder” at Vox (Canada)


  • [INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE] I Would Like to Rage screens in the “Signed” selection at IDFA - International Documentary Film festival Amsterdam (Netherlands).

  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at the Kurzfilmfestival Köln (Germany).

  • [TALK] Intervention in the “Écritures alternatives de la recherche” seminar at Université Paris Cité (France)

  • [TALK] “Online Exhaustion and the Cinema of Fatigue. To Sleep, Perchance to Dream”, guest lecture at the American University of Paris (France).

  • [SCREENING] I Would Like to Rage screens at Light Matter Film Festival (USA).

  • [EXHIBITION] Watching the Pain of Others is installed in the collective exhibition “Agents of Concern: Images and Empathy” at PXL-MAD, School of Arts in Hasselt (Belgium).

  • [SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0 and GeoMarkr are screened at Gaité lyrique in Paris, as part of the SACRe festival (France).

  • [TALK] “Critique vidéographique et recherche-création”, participation in a panel talk at the Université Paris Diderot (France).

  • [EVENT ORGANIZATION] “IN THE WORKS. Makings and Unmakings of the Video Essay”, International Conference at the Lucerne School of Art and Design (Switzerland).


  • [RESIDENCY] La Grande Vacance is selected as part of the Le C.L.O.S residency organized by the Festival International du Film Indépendant de Bordeaux (France).

  • [WORLD PREMIERE] I Would Like to Rage is screened in competition at the Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris (France).

  • [TALK] “Archives numériques : pratiques vidéographiques et cinéma d’interface”, guest lecture at the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (France)

  • [SCREENING] A Very Long Exposure Time is screened at Short Circuit in London (UK).


  • [TALK] “Cinema as/of Rage”, panel discussion at the Upcoming Filmmakers Festival in Lucerne (Switzerland)

  • [JURY] Member of the international jury at the Upcoming Filmmakers Festival in Lucerne (Switzerland)

  • [EXHIBITION] Bottled Songs 1-2 is installed as part of the “Ways of Unseeing” collective exhibition in Lund Konsthall (Sweden)

  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at the Bucharest Experimental Film Festival (Romania)


  • [TALK] “Desktop Cinema: from Art Practice to Digital Research”, guest lecture at the Zürich University (Switzerland)

  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at the Marienbad Film Festival (Czech Republic)


  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at the Société Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication Congress in Bordeaux (France)

  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at the Winnipeg Underground Film Festival (Canada)


  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at IndieLisboa (Portugal)

  • [PUBLICATION] GeoMarkr is published in [in]Transition. Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, 10.1.

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at La Bonne, Centre de Cultura de Dones de Barcelona (Spain)

  • [INTERVIEW] “Rencontre avec Chloé Galibert-Laîné”, video interview for Court-Circuit magazine (Arte)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens during a presentation by the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Dublin (Ireland)

  • [SCREENING] A Very Long Exposure Time screens in a thematic program entitled “Nexsus of Absentia” curated by Rapid Eye Movement in Bangkok (Thailand)


  • [TALK] “Exploring Online Media”, intervention at the Lucerne Hochschule (Switzerland)

  • [CURATION] Organization of a public screening of essay films by belit sag and Riar Rizaldi, in collaboration with the Débordements cinéclub (France)

  • [SCREENING] L’oeil était dans la tombe et regardait Daney screens at Videodrome 2 in Marseille (France)

  • [PUBLICATION] « L’image-preuve sur Internet : tours, detours et retours. Discussion entre Chloé Galibert-Laîné et Dork Zabunyan », is published in the journal Écrans (France)


  • [GRANT] La Grande Vacance is awarded a writing grant (“aide à l’écriture”) from the CNC (France)

  • [PUBLICATION] An artist statement about Watching the Pain of Others is published in the Catalogue of Festival Parlé - Cinéma du Réel (France)


  • [SCREENING] GeoMarkr screens at transmediale (Germany)

  • [INTERVIEW] “Le Video Essay avec Chloé Galibert-Laîné”, interview for the podcast “Eh bien, cherchez maintenant” by Radio Grenouille, in collaboration with Focus, le salon des écritures alternatives en sciences sociales (France)


  • [TALK] “Usages des archives dans le desktop documentaire“, conference at the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Cineteca Madrid (Spain)

  • [INTERVIEW] “Contemplation, examen et affect forensique. GeoMarkr, GeoGuessr, Chris Marker”, discussion with Guillaume Grandjean and Corentin Lê for the magazine Multitudes (France)



  • [TALK + SCREENING] Presentation of GeoMarkr as part of the international conference “La preuve par l’image” at INHA (France)

  • [PUBLICATION] True Enough is published in [in]Transition as part of the Once Upon a Screen video collection

  • [EVENT ORGANIZATION] Co-organization of 4 day Video Essay conference in Luzern (Switzerland)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness, A Very Long Exposure Time and GeoMarkr screen at Stadtkino Basel (Switzerland)


  • [MASTERCLASS] “The Art of Creative Spectatorship”, invited masterclass for the DocSP online seminar (Brazil)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness, A Very Long Exposure Time and GeoMarkr screen online as part of the DocSP seminar (Brazil)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at Coupé-Court (France)


  • [MASTERCLASS + WORKSHOP] Masterclass and one-day workshop at the University of Porto (Portugal)

  • [SCREENING] “Analyzing the films of others”, two-days solo retrospective at the Casa do Cinema Manuel de Oliveira (Portugal)

  • [SCREENING] The eye was in the tomb and stared at Daney is featured in Caligari. A Periodical of Cinema, Arts and Letters (United States)

  • [JURY] Member of the jury for the international competition at the Festival de Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris (France)

  • [TALK + CLASS VISIT] “Online Temporalities”, Masterclass at Syracuse University (United States)

  • [CURATION + PODCAST] Launch and podcast discussion of the fourth installment of the video essay gallery curated with Johannes Binotto and Kevin B. Lee for FILMEXPLORER (re-brodcast on The Video Essay Podcast)


  • [SCREENING + CLASS VISIT] Screening of multiple films and class visit at Colgate University (United States)

  • [TALK] Keynote presentation at the International Conference on Videographic Criticism at University of Massachusetts (United States)

  • [TALK + MENTORING] Guest respondant for the final session of the Essay Film Studio at the Lodz Film School (Poland)

  • [TEACHING] Semester-long employment as Visiting Professor in the “Filmmaking in the 21st Century” series at the University of Massachusetts (United States)

July / August

  • [CURATION + PODCAST] Launch and podcast discussion of the third installment of the video essay gallery curated with Johannes Binotto and Kevin B. Lee for FILMEXPLORER (re-brodcast on The Video Essay Podcast)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the vnLab conference at Lodz Film School (Poland)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens as the Avignon Festival (France)


  • [TEACHING] “How Does Your Internet Feel?”, one-week workshop at the University of Bern (Switzerland)

  • [CURATION] Launch of the first two installments of the co-curated video essay gallery at FILMEXPLORER (Switzerland)

  • [PODCAST] Podcast discussion of the first two installments ot the video essay gallery curated with Johannes Binotto and Kevin B. Lee for FILMEXPLORER (re-brodcast on The Video Essay Podcast)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Artist Film Festival in Tel Aviv (Israel)

  • [MASTERCLASS] Participation in the “Cinéastes du présent” conference series at the ENS Paris (France)


  • [PANEL TALK] Participation in the panel “Socialité numérique et modes d’expérimentation artistiques” at the international conference "Reshaping our Digital Interactions: Subjectivity in the Post-Cinema Age" in Paris (France)

  • [MENTORING] Invited consultant at Moulin d’Andé - résidence d’artistes (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens as part of Saison Vidéo 2022 (France)

  • [TALK] “The Making of GeoMarkr”, invited lecture at University of South Australia (Australia)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness and Watching the Pain of Others screen at Sala Redenção, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness and Bottled Songs 1+2 screen at One World Romania International Human Rights & Documentary Film Festival (Romania)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at En Temps Réel festival (France)


  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1+2 screens at the Filmfest Bremen and wins Best Narrative Innovation Award (Germany)

  • [CLASS INTERVENTION] Invited lecture at the Paris Malaquais architecture school in Paris (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (USA)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1+2 screens at CinemathequeKOFA at the Korean Film Archive (South Korea)


  • [TALK] Masterclass at isdaT • institut supérieur des arts et du design de Toulouse (France)

  • [EVENT ORGANIZATION] Launching event for the latest journal issue of Images secondes at the Ecole normale supérieure de Paris (France)

  • [SCREENING + TALK ] Presentation of Forensickness at the conference “L’archive comme lieu d’expérimentation” at Université Lyon 3 (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at Cinéma du réel - Festival parlé (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the Nepal International Film Festival (Nepal)


  • [PUBLICATION] Publication of the peer-reviewed journal issue “Post-cinéma. Pratiques de recherche et de création”, Images secondes, co-directed with Gala Hernandez Lopez (France)

  • [TALK] “Footage Fetish”, panel conversation with Julio Bressane, André Antonio, Christopher Small & Lucia Salas at Berlinale Critic’s Week (Germany)

  • [MENTORING] Invited tutor for the students of the CCC master program at the HEAD (Switzerland)


  • [SCREENING] READING//BINGING//BENNING screens as part of the HyperText exhibition the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University (USA)



  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time screens at the Burnt Video Art and Experimental Film Festival (Canada)

  • [TALK MODERATION] Host for a curated conversation between filmmaker Jane Schoenbrun and researcher Eliza Steinbock, for the ‘Images in Commons’ seminar organized by the After Social Networks collective (France)


  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time screens at the Shortfilmfestival Cologne (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the Beijing International Short Film Festival (China)

  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time screens in competition at the Girona Film Festival (Spain)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival (Turkey)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the VI Internationational Film Seminar at Tabakalera in San Sebastian (Spain)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the Interférences Festival in Lyon (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness and Watching the Pain of Others screen at the Comité du Film Ethnographique - Festival international Jean Rouch (France)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at Scanorama (Lithuania)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness and Bottled Songs 1-4 screen at Paradoks - GegenKino in Leipzig (Germany)


  • [PHD DEFENSE] Successful defense of PhD at the ENS Paris in front of a jury composed of Antonio Somaini (president), Catherine Bizern, Christa Blümlinger, Catherine Grant, Alexandra Schneider, as well as Antoine de Baecque and Dork Zabunyan (supervisors)

  • [TALK] Invited presentation at the “The Screening is the Event: Cinema as Performance” workshop, curated by Roger Beebe at UnionDocs (USA)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the Uppsala Short Film Festival (Sweden)

  • [TALK] “Performing Spectatorship: Fictionalizing the Essayist”, invited conference at the international conference “The Video Essay. A Conference on the Forms and the Future of Videographic Criticism” at Université de Paris (France)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens in competition at the Festival International du Film Indépendant de Bordeaux (France)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens in competition at the West Lake International Documentary Festival (China)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others and Forensickness screen at the cinema Le Clef in Paris (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at Cinemabrut in Marseille (France)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the New Holland Island International Debut Film Festival (Russia)


  • [SOLO SHOW] The solo show “Free Fall into the Image”, including several films and original artworks, is presented at the transmediale festival in Berlin (Germany)

  • [EXHIBITION] Bottled Songs 3-4 is presented at Ars Electronica in Linz (Austria)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at Valladolid International Film Festival (Spain)

  • [EXHIBITION] Bottled Songs 1-4 is installed as part of the “Mindbombs” collective exhibition at the Kunsthalle Mannheim (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the We Make Movies International Film Festival (USA)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at Experimental Film & Video Festival in Seoul (South Korea)


  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival (USA)

  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time screens in competition at the Moscow International Experimental Film Festival (Russia)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at IndieLisboa (Portugal)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at CineBH - Belo Horizonte International Film Festival (Brasil)

  • [INTERVIEW] “Self-portrait of the artist through her desktop: An interview with Chloé Galibert-Laîné”, book chapter in Subjective realities: The art of creative nonfiction film, edited by Alex Heeney & Orla Smith (Canada)


  • [SCREENING] Forensickness and Bottled Songs 1-4 screen at the First Look Festival (USA)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the ECRÃ Festival (Brazil)

  • [SCREENING] Re-enacting the future screens at the Filmfest Dresden (Germany)

  • [SCREENING + TALK] Forensickness and A very long exposure time are presented and discussed as part of the workshop “Deine Kamera ist eine App” at the Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany)


  • [AWARD + SCREENING] A very long exposure time wins the “Best Work” Award at the D-NORMAL / V-ESSAY (China)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the International Film Festival Rotterdam (Netherlands)

  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time, The eye was in the tomb and stared at Daney and Bottled Songs 1-4 screen at the Onion City Experimental Film + Video Festival (USA)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens in competition at Côté Court (France)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the Werkleitz Videorama in Halle (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at conference “La preuve par l'image : le medium contre les médias” at Université Paris Nanterre (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Winnipeg Underground Film Festival (Canada)


  • [INTERVIEW] “Chloé Galibert-Laîné : les images et le cerveau”, podcast by Occitane Lacurie & Barnabé Sauvage for Débordements (France)

  • [INTERVIEW] “Bottled Songs 1-4: in conversation with Kevin B. Lee and Chloé Galibert-Laîné”, Matt Turner for Public Parking (Canada)

  • [SCREENING + TALK] Forensickness is presented and discussed as part of the summer school “Témoigner en images” à l’Université de Montréal (Canada)

  • [SCREENING + TALK] Forensickness is presented and discussed as part of the Symposium “Interprétation, surinterprétation, post-interprétation” at Université Paris 1 (France)

  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time screens at Experiments in Cinema (USA)

  • [TALK] Masterclass organized in collaboration with the Images Festival and Le Labo, moderated by Cynthia-Laure Etom (Canada)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at Images Festival (Canada)

  • [AWARDS + SCREENING] A very long exposure time screens and wins the e-flux Prize & the Online Prize of the Jury of the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia at International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (Germany)

  • [INSTALLATION] A very long exposure time is installed as part of the WRO Media Art Biennale (Poland)


  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screen at the StoryBits conference (Portugal)

  • [SCREENING] Re-enacting the future screens as part of the Werkleitz Videorama Presentation (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time screens in competition at the Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen (Netherlands)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screen at the Docudays UA Human Rights Documentary Film Festival (Ukraine)


  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time , Flânerie 2.0 et Forensickness screen at the Rencontres Internationales Sciences et Cinémas (France)

  • [TALK] “Chloé Galibert-Laîné en conversation avec Delphine Jeanneret”, contribution to the “Le montage au cinéma et dans les arts contemporains” international conference at the HEAD (Switzerland)

  • [SCREENING] The Eye was in the Tomb and Stared at Daney screens at the cineclub of the Universidade Católica in OPorto (Portugal)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness and Watching the Pain of Others screen at the Massachusetts Multicultural Film Festival (USA)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness and Watching the Pain of Others screen at the TV cineclub Canal180 (Portugal)

  • [MENTORING] Mentor at the Talents program’s “Short Form Station” at the Berlinale (Germany)


  • [TALK] “Resisting ISIS: Art against political violence”, panel discussion at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cologne (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 is included in the reCLAIM online exhibition (Germany)

  • [TEACHING] “Suspendre les réseaux”, 5 days intensive workshop at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Marseille (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the cineclub of the Universidade Católica in OPorto (Portugal)

  • [INTERVIEW] “Quand regarder, c’est co-produire”, interview by Ariane Papillon published in Tête-à-tête magazine (France)

  • [SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0, Watching the Pain of Others and Forensickness screen as part of the Monographs series at La Casa Encendida in Madrid (Spain)

  • [TALK] “Cinéma hybride”, panel at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (France)

  • [TALK] “Split Screens: Starving for Connections”, guest lecture at the Cork University (Ireland)


  • [PUBLICATION] “What Scholarly Video Essays Feel Like” is published in The Cine-Files (United States)

  • [TALK] “Bottled Songs”, panel at the “Desktop | Essay” symposium at the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens in the Bellwether Series at the Amherst Cinema (United States)

  • [TALK] Personal masterclass at the Solothurner Filmtage (Switzerland)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the Solothurner Filmtage (Switzerland)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the Stuttgarter Filmwinter (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the Document Human Rights Film Festival (Scotland)

  • [INTERVIEW] “La réalité entre en dissection documentaire” is published in Libération (France)



  • [INTERVIEW] “On refait le film, avec Chloé Galibert-Laîné”in, interview for France Culture radio (France)

  • [PUBLICATION] “Speaking in the first person: an interview with Chloé Galibert-Laîné” is published on 3/4 Magazine (Czechia)

  • [TEACHING] Class intervention (with Kevin B. Lee) in Richard Misek’s class on “Media Ethnography” at the University of Kent (United Kindgom)

  • [PUBLICATION] “Flânerie 2.0” is published in Gwen Le Cor & Everardo Reyes (ed.), What Makes an Image? Inscriptions, Digital Spaces and Forms, Paris, Octaviana, 2020 (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Conservatoire Nationale Supérieur d’Art Dramatique in Paris (France)

  • [AWARD + SCREENING] A very long exposure time screens in competition and is named as a “Significant Achievement” at the Alternative Film/Video Festival (Serbia)

  • [TALK] “Grosse Fatigue. On desktop exhaustion”, invited response at the Forum organized as part of the Alternative Film/Video Festival (Serbia)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Beijing International Short Film Festival (China)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of others, Flânerie 2.0, The Identity Thief, Re-enacting the Future and Bottled Songs: My Crush was a Superstar are selected to screen as part of the Broken Screen / Pantalla Rota group show, to be presented in various places across Argentina

  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time screens at the XVI Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground (Argentina)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness and A very long exposure time screen at the annual Film Program exhibition organized at the Universidad di Tella (Argentina)


  • [TEACHING] Class intervention in a seminar about split-screen (MA level) at Université Paris 8 (France)

  • [SCREENING] A very long exposure time premieres as part of the “Time Complex” exhibition at the Yerevan Biennial 2020 (Armenia)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others is available on Tënk (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the Caminhos do Cinema Português festival (Portugal)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens at the Kasseler Dokfest and is nominated for the Golden Key Award (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others is programmed at Entrevues Belfort (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens in the international competition at the Festival dei Popoli (Italy)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the 2020 Logan Symposium - Centre for Investigative Journalism (United Kingdom)

  • [TALK] Participation in the “Netnography and Gender Roles” panel at the Kurzfilmfestival Köln (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Kurzfilmfestival Köln (Germany)

  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Festival Interférences (France) and wins the Student Jury Award.

  • [TEACHING] “Third Thoughts”, week-long creative online workshop at CalArts (USA)

  • [TEACHING] Class intervention in the major “Patrimoines audiovisuels” (MA level) at INA (France)

  • [SCREENING] “Re-enacting the future” screens as part of the “Crisis, reality, ordinary” program on Dogmilk Films (Australia / Indonesia)


  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens in the “Opus Bonum” competition at the Ji.hlava Documentary Film Festival (Czechia)

  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Festival Signes de la Nuit in Paris and is awarded a Special Mention in the Documentary competition (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at Kontor in Leipzig (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Festival Libre et indépendant du Moyen-Métrage (France)

  • [SCREENING] Forensickness screens in the “Contrebandes” competition at the Festival International du Film Indépendant de Bordeaux (France)

  • [TALK] Participation in the “Madwomxn” panel at the Rendezvous with Madness Festival (Canada).

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Rendezvous with Madness Festival @ Pleasure Dom (Canada)

  • [TALK] Participation in the “Surveillance & Violence” panel at the Camden International Film Festival (USA)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the Camden International Film Festival (USA)

  • [PUBLICATION] “Émotions et souvenirs de film : entre l’intime et le collectif” is published in Théorème, n° 32 (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others and READING // BINGING // BENNING screen at the International Moscow Film Festival (Russia)


  • [SCREENING] Re-enacting the future screens as part of the 2020 Yerevan Art Biennial (Armenia)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens at the Kaunas International Film Festival (Lithuania)

  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Internationales Festival Zeichen der Nacht Berlin (Germany) and is awarded the Night Award for Documentaries

  • [SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0 screens online at the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival (Israel)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens online at the Riga Pasaules Film Festival (Latvia)

  • [TALK] Participation in the “Language of the Essay Film” panel at the Open City Documentary Film Festival (United Kingdom)

  • [SCREENING] Bottled Songs 1-4 screens online at the Open City Documentary Film Festival (United Kingdom)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Sinevizyon Uluslararası Kısa Film Festivali (Turkey)


  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Ecrã Festival (Brazil)

  • [TALK] Participation in a panel for the Critics Campus at the Melbourne International Film Festival (Australia)

  • [SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0 screens at the NOASS, Latvian Video Art Archive in Riga (Latvia)


  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Forensickness premieres in official competition at FIDMarseille (France) and is awarded two special mentions (French Competition and CNAP Competition)

  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens in competition at the International Festival Signs of the Night - Bangkok (Thailand) and is awarded the Night Award for Documentaries

  • [GRANT] The research collective After Social Network is awarded a 2.500€ “Dream Big and Grow Fast” award from the Fondation de France

  • [SELECTION] Watching the Pain of Others is a finalist at the Athens International Digital Film Festival (Greece)

  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens online at the Cheap Cuts Documentary Festival and is awarded a Special Mention for Unconventional Storytelling (United Kingdom)

  • [SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0 and Watching the Pain of Others screen at the NOFLASH Video Show (USA)


  • [PUBLICATION] “Framing Terrorist Media: a Videographic Autoethnography” is published in the book Propaganda des “Islamischen Staats” edited by

    Bernd Zywietz for Springer VS

  • [PUBLICATION] “Mille et une raisons de se souvenir de Shining aujourd’hui”, is published in Anne Lété (ed), The Shining. Stanley Kubrick: Dans le Labyrinthe (Le Bord de l’Eau)

  • [PUBLICATION] “Une exploration vidéographique d’un récit de spectateur : L’oeil était dans la tombe et regardait Daney” is published in the peer-reviewed journal Double jeu (Presses Universitaires de Caen)

  • [SCREENING] Re-enacting the future screens as part of the “Komplexe Bilder” program at the Kino REX Bern (Switzerland)


  • [SCREENING] My Crush was a Superstar screens in an online event at the Visite Festival (Belgium)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens in an online event curated by the Valand Academy (Sweden)

  • [TEACHING] “Reclaim your Desktop”, 1-week online workshop at the Merz Academy in Stuttgart (Germany)

  • [TALK] “Desktop Documentary in Five Words”, online talk at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

  • [SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0 screens online in a program curated by the Filmoteca Española in Madrid (Spain)

  • [TALK] “The Making of Watching the Pain of Others”, online talk at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemburg (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Re-enacting the Future is included in a short film program screening all month at MEMORY.IS (United States)

  • [TEACHING] “Online (Self-) Portraits”, 2-weeks online workshop at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Luzern (Switzerland)


  • [SCREENING + ONLINE TALK] Watching the Pain of Others screens online at the Images Festival (Canada)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens online in competition at EMAF - European Media Art Festival (Germany)

  • [INTERVIEW] “Film Essayist Chloé Galibert-Laîné on the Careful Choreography of Desktop Cinema”, Hyperallergic

  • [SCREENING + ONLINE TALK] Watching the Pain of Others screens online at the ART/DOC Tel Aviv Festival (Israel)

  • [SELECTION] Watching the Pain of Others is selected as a semi-finalist at the Dumbo Film Festival (United States)


  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the DC International Film Festival (United States)

  • [PUBLICATION] “Émotions et souvenirs de film : entre l’intime et le collectif” is published in the peer-reviewed journal Théorème (Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle).

  • [INSTALLATION] The Observer premieres (as part of the installation Bottled Songs 1&2, co-authored with Kevin B. Lee) at the True/False Festival (United States)

  • [TALK] “Watching the Pain of Others: de la description dense à la performance”, invited talk at the symposium “La preuve par l’image” at Université Paris Nanterre (France)


  • [SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0 screens at the Filmoteca Española in Madrid (Spain)

  • [SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0 is screened during the “What Makes an Image” international symposium at Université Paris 8 (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Hyperlinks: a Static Vision Festival in Sydney (Australia)

  • [MENTORING] Mentor at the Talents program’s “Short Form Station” at the Berlinale (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at Les Inattendus festival in Lyon (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens in the Short Documentary competition at the MiradasDoc Festival (Canary Islands)


  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the transmediale festival (Germany)

  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens in the Documentary competition and wins the “Night Award” at the Festival Signos da Noite (Portugal)

  • [TEACHING] “Documenting the Internet. The Theories and Practice of Netnographic Cinema”, research-creation seminar at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens in the “Jeune Création” competition at the FIPADOC in Biarritz (France)

  • [PRESS] Watching the Pain of Others is the most-cited title in the “Best Video Essays of the Year” poll published by Sight and Sound Magazine

  • [TALK] “Ingestivating Online Forensickness”, invited lecture at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany)



  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0 screens in competition and is awarded a “Significant Achievement” mention at the Alternative Film/Video Festival (Serbia)

  • [SCREENING] My Crush was a Superstar screens at the Parallax Forum in Katowice (Poland)

  • [PUBLICATION] A printed version of Watching the Pain of Others is published in NICHONS-nous dans l’Internet

  • [TALK] “A Portrait of the Video Essayist as a Performer”, talk at the “Creating Insights” Video Essay Symposium at Merz Akademie Stuttgart (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Cinémathèque of Corsica (France)

  • [SCREENING] My Crush was a Superstar screens at the Kolonia Artystów Gallery in Gdańsk (Poland)


  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens in competition at the Caminhos do Cinema Português (Portugal)

  • [INTERVIEW] Interview for the Video Essay Podcast hosted by Will diGravio

  • [TALK] “"Re-framing Propaganda through the Desktop", talk at the international conference “Territoires de la propagande”, INHA (France)

  • [PUBLICATION] “Du corps-marionnette à la marionnette sans corps. Réflexions sur la dématérialisation des machines de Being John Malkovich (1999) à Her (2013)”, in Florence Fix (dir.), Jeu d'acteur et Corps artificiels. Effets de coprésence à la scène et à l’écran, Paris, Orizons, 2019.

  • [EXHIBITION + SCREENING] My Crush was a Superstar is installed as part of the “Networked Effects” Exhibition at the Oodi Library in Helsinki + special screening of the Bottled Songs project (Finland)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens in competition at the Kassel DOKFEST (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] My Crush was a Superstar screens at the NEoN Digital Art Festival (Scotland)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at Escales documentaires (France)

  • [TALK] “Investigating Netnographic Cinema: Thickening the Interface”, talk at to the “Iluminace 30: Interface Symposium” (Czech Republic)


  • [SCREENING] My Crush was a Superstar screens at the Uppsala International Short Film Festival (Sweden)

  • [SCREENING] READING//BINGING//BENNING screens at the Harun Farocki Institute in Berlin (Germany)

  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens and wins the Best Short Film Award at CORSICA.DOC (France)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens in competition at dokumentART (Germany)

  • [AWARD + SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens and wins the First Prize of the video essay competition at the Adelio Ferrero Festival (Italy)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Jozi Film Festival (South Africa)


  • [SCREENING] L’œil était dans la tombe et regardait Daney screens in the “O Olho e o tempo” program at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)

  • [SCREENING] My Crush was a Superstar screens at Tatsuno Art Project 2019 (Japan)

  • [PUBLICATION] “Watching the Pain of Others”, [in]Transition, vol. 6.3

  • [SCREENING] Flânerie 2.0 screens at Besides the Screen Film Festival (Brazil)


  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Marienbad Film Festival (Czech Republic)

  • [SCREENING] My Crush was a Superstar screens at the Visite Film Festival (Belgium)

  • [SCREENING] Re-enacting the Future screens at the Underground Museum (United States)


  • [SCREENING] READING//BINGING//BENNING screens at the Ecrã Festival (Brazil)

  • [AWARD] Bottled Songs wins the Eurimages Lab Project Award at the Karlovy Vary Festival (Czech Republic)

  • [GRANT] Start of a 8-month Research Grant from the Johannes Gutenberg University (Germany)


  • [EVENT ORGANIZATION] “Après les réseaux sociaux”, research-creation symposium and screening at the ENSAD / ENSBA (Paris)

  • [TALK] “Desktop Subjectivity as Videographic Methodology”, talk at to the Videographic Criticism Workshop at ACUD-Kino in Berlin (Germany)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others screens at the Belfast Film Festival (Ireland)

  • [TALK] Participation in the research-creation workshop “Other Ways of Knowing” at the University of Leiden (Netherlands)


  • [EXHIBITION + TALK] My Crush was a Superstar is installed (and participation in the panel “Real, Unreal, Post-Truth”) at the WRO Media Art Biennale (Poland)

  • [EVENT ORGANIZATION] “Face à l’image: zones sensibles de la recherche”, 2-day performative research workshop organized at Studio Théâtre de Vitry (France)

  • [TALK] “Dreams and Terrors of Desktop Documentary”, talk at the Hochschule Luzern - Design & Kunst (Switzerland)

  • [ONLINE TALK] Online classroom discussion at the Utrecht University (Netherlands)

  • [EXHIBITION] Flânerie 2.0 is installed at the Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design as part of the “Pratiques de la distraction” groupshow (Switzerland)


  • [INTERVIEW] “Interview: Chloé Galibert-Laîné”, desistfilm

  • [PUBLICATION] “Troubling the Desktop”, Filmmaker Magazine

  • [SCREENING] READING//BINGING//BENNING screens at the Univerzita Karlova (Czech Republic)

  • [SCREENING] Watching the Pain of Others world premieres at the Museum of the Moving Image (United States)


  • [EVENT ORGANIZATION] Performance workshop with Frédéric Danos (L’Encyclopédie de la parole) at the Ecole normale supérieure de Paris (France)


  • [MENTORING] Mentor at the Talents program’s “Short Script Station” at the Berlinale (Germany)

  • [TEACHING] “Desktop Documentary Lab”, 5-day workshop with Master students at the Royal Academy of Arts in La Hague (Netherlands)

  • [SCREENING] 5 films personal retrospective at the Caragiale Academy of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography (Romania)


  • [EXHIBITION] Flânerie 2.0 is installed at Festival Premiers Plans d’Angers (France)

  • [SCREENING] Re-enacting the Future screens at the International Film Festival Rotterdam (Netherlands)